When people put the book they're reading down, they tend to put it face-down.
This is a theory.
I met a guy at the 10-minute massage chair. He was reading when I came up and he set the book down, face-down and upside-down, and he looked at me and said hi I'm Kevin. And then he rubbed my shoulder.
I paid and asked what he was reading and he told me and that was that. But I had to ask.
What's going on here?
People hiding titles.
Is this only done in public? You see it on trains and planes. Newspapers in cafés.
Are people deliberately concealing the face of the book, hiding what they're reading?
Or do they love the book so much that they're keeping it a secret? Just for themselves.
I like that idea.
The book here on my desk is upside-down and face-down, which is perfectly appropiate for this title.
Is yours face-down?